Where is Palooza ?
Palooza is all over the state! There are multiple starting points and tracks from various directions (North, South, East, etc) , with each 400+ mile track leading across the wilds Missouri to converge in Mexico (Missouri)! On Saturday night everyone rolls in for food, campfires, live music, and relaxing after their adventure. The location of Palooza in Mexico is just north of town on farms of Fish Branch Angus / Wilbers Sunrise Stables. (8059 Audrain County Road 355; Mexico, MO 65265)
How it starts...
There are designated camping and parking places near each of the 3 track starting points across the state. You can start there or join the track anywhere along the way that is convenient for you! Have your cell phone, apps, GPS, and bike loaded and ready to follow the track we provide you on a self-supported 2-day ride across Missouri.
(it may take a moment)
What to bring?Required: At least one Smartphone per group with Goosechase App installed and at least one GPS per group. We do not recommend using your phone for GPS, it is best if you have a separate actual GPS unit for motorcycle (Such as the Oregon 450 or Montana 650t). Pack the normal provisions of water and lunch/snack for your travels of the day. You must have at least one rider proficient in the use of TRACKS on GPS and BASIC SMART PHONE OPERATION. A few basic tools for your bike that you would normally carry, including a spare tube and tools for tire changes. Even if you plan on staying in a hotel, you may want to consider bringing a tent and overnight gear (you pack with you, true adventure riding style, there is no gear hauler!), on a multiday 400+ mile adventure you never know when your plans might not turn out as scheduled and will need to bivouac. Of course, most people are camping anyway, so bring all your usual personal gear, snacks, change of clothes etc. The first night is planned as primitive camping. There is a shower and porta-johns available to the end when you reach Mexico.
WEST Palooza '23 - track preview/infoWEST Palooza (Marais Refuge to Mexico) Route Designers: Mitchell Irwin & John Wilbers Start From Marais Cygnes Refuge - 500(ish) mi with an EXTREME option making a 750 mi ride! there will be a link here later in the summer, hopefully by late July with much more details on camping & stopping areas, hotels, mileages etc. Starting Area Map: more info to come Overall view of the West track:
Cost $The cost is $125.00 which includes: the GPS adventure tracks, dinner, drinks (beer, coffee, tea, soda,water), quality Palooza t-shirt, camp out, slide show, live music, and fun ! There is also a fun riders-skills course built here on the farm for Palooza where you can work over logs, creek crossings, sand, jumps, tight turns, and more! Options for breakfast and Adventure Palooza / Adventure Riders stickers are available on checkout for a small additional amount. Even though this is an epic event with a great amount of planning, we have tried to keep cost as low as possible so everyone can be included. When you register the process will conclude with a PAYPAL checkout (registration & payment in advance is required). We are proud to let you know that through “Adventure Palooza,” Adventure Riders LLC is also able to make a donations on behalf of all riders to the Wounded Warrior Project and our scholarship fund. Between 2017 - 2022 we have donated around $10,000 ! Thank you for your help !
Terrain & RidingWe call this an 80-20 ride…. 80% gravel and primitive roads, 20% intermittent road use (yes, you will need a road legal bike). It’s really exciting that we were able to stitch together 1600 miles of track each year across the state and are able to find gravel, two-track, primitive, and the like. This is a true adventure ride (around 400 – 500 miles each for each track) Adventure Palooza tracks include many gravel roads, some blacktop, low-water crossings (some concrete crossings and others totally primitive), fire and forestry roads, old bridges (both open and “closed”), some off-road and challenge areas and some alternate-routes for more challenge and also for big-bike work-arounds. Sticking to the main track should be no problem for the average rider and most big bikes. Short sections of alternate track will be accessible for more experienced riders. The challenge of this ride is not primarily technical riding, but rather navigating, catching the way-points using the APP, and your journey across the state! All tracks converge at Mexico, MO at the “Wilbers Fish Branch Angus & Sunrise Stables Farm” AKA Adventure Palooza Headquarters!! DESTINATION GPS ADDRESS: 8054 Audrain County Road 355 Mexico, MO 65265
EAST-SOUTHEAST Palooza '23 - track preview/infoEAST/SOUTHEAST Palooza (Potosi area to Mexico) Route Collaborator: Matt Willbank MAIN START: Potosi (Super 8 HOTEL IS THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN MAKE RESERVATIONS SOON. Also great starting areas at local resort/camping areas such as Twin Eagle & Spring Lake Resort. MORE DETAILED INFORMATION COMING THIS SUMMER WITH POSSIBLE CAMPING AND HOTEL OPTIONS, DISTANCES ETC. Preview Map:
Media LinksMEGA PHOTO ALBUMS FROM PALOOZA: 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Our Facebook Page Our Youtube Channel
FacilitiesOnce you reach Adventure Palooza & arrive on the farm Saturday there is a bathroom with shower and running water, as well as two nice porta-johns on site. There are also plug-ins and power (at the barn) for charging electronics, decent cellular reception, folding chairs, tables, clean water, hose for rinsing gear and bikes, spare tools, air pump, and plenty of nicely prepared green space for pitching tents and your motorcycle in a large secure pasture. We will serve food from the kitchen facility in the barn. There is lots of space to pick from for camping, a skills riding area, a campfire, and live music stage. We have several nicely mowed / flat camping areas near the main barn but enough steps away for quiet and rural darkness (also trees for hammocks). Located just a few miles from the Mexico city limit, you also have easy access to Gas, Walmart, and hotels (if you are not a camping type person). * side note: During even years (2018, 2020, etc) just a few miles down the road in town there is a historical re-inactment that takes place called “Walk Back and Time” which features 1800’s through WW2 encampment (this is free and worth checking out!)
PREVIEW MAP: ALL TRACKS MISSOURI 2023When you register you will receive more information by email several times over the summer, and extremely detailed tracks approximately 2 weeks before the event! Below you see the preview map of all 4 tracks across the state and how they converge at Mexico MO. Consider these options before registering so you know which track you want. The South route is perhaps the most challenging with the most off-road, single track, and "bush whack" sections. The North is the shorter and the most big-bike friendly, more gravel roads than trails. The South-East & West have a good mix of all the above. Here are more details and sneak peak maps! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH Palooza (Chadwick to Mexico): Route Designers: Dale McIntosh & John Wilbers From Chadwick *extreme* - 750 mi Alternate Start Lebanon, MO - 625 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST Palooza '23 (Marais Refuge to Mexico) Route Assistance: Mitchell Irwin From Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge, KS (or Amoret, MO) - WITH EXTREME LOOP ADDED: 750+ total miles (start Wed or Thursday) OR WITHOUT EXTREME LOOP: 500 total miles (start Thurs or Friday) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAST/SOUTHEAST Palooza (Potosi to Mexico) Route Assistance: Matt Willbank From Potosi Area: 500 Mi EXTREME ROUTE: same start but includes more track, 650+ miles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH Palooza (Athens,MO or Keokuk to Mexico) Route Designers: Dale McIntosh & John Wilbers From Athens: 400 miles (Fri/Sat)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers)THIS IS FOR THE GUYS THAT HAVE HAD A FEW MORE HITS-TO-THE-HEAD THAN THE REST OF US (LIKE BOOTS): IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS YOU DON'T SEE HERE, PLEASE GO TO THE CONTACT US PAGE AND ASK! Q & A WHAT TIME DOES THE EVENT START? WHAT TIME DOES THE RIDING EVENT END? I JUST WANT TO RIDE & JOIN EVERYONE FOR THE FOOD AND MUSIC AND FRIENDSHIP. DO I HAVE TO MESS WITH THE APP? I CAN BARELY TIE MY OWN SHOES… SHOULD I TRY THIS? IS THIS A TEAM EVENT? CAN I RIDE ALONE? IS THIS 1 OR 2 DAYS OF RIDING? HOW WILL I GET HOME!? WHAT ARE ALL THE AWARDS? HOW DOES THIS POINT THING WORK? WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET TO A GPS CHECKPOINT LOCATION? HOW DO YOU CONFIRM THAT I ACHIEVED A CHECKPOINT? HOW DO WE KNOW HOW MUCH A WAYPOINT IS WORTH? (AND WHEN DO WE FIND OUT)? A COMPETITION THAT ISN’T A RACE…. HOW DOES THAT WORK? CAN WE START THE RIDE EARLY? DO I HAVE TO START AT THE BEGINNING THE THE TRACK ? HOW MANY POINTS WILL I BE DOCKED FOR BEING LATE? HOW MANY POINTS WILL I EARN AT A CHECKPOINT? ARE THE ROUTES DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU START? DO THE FOUR ROUTES HAVE EQUAL AMOUNT OF POINTS? IS THE MILEAGE THE SAME FOR ALL THE ROUTES? HOW DO I EARN BONUS POINTS? DOES SOME OF THE MONEY GO TO A GOOD CAUSE OR CHARITY? SO TELL ME ABOUT THE SKILLS COURSE! WHERE CAN I REGISTER FOR THIS? 1. WHAT TIME DOES THE EVENT START? If you are planning one day of riding, then self-start on Saturday Sept 29 2018. For riders planning two days of riding start on Friday Sept 28th, 2018. Either way the companion app (Goosechase) will open On Sept 28th at 6AM… the APP will “unlock” and the event begins!The idea is for ALL participants to converge at the ending point (Mexico Missouri) before dark on the 29th. Food, drink, friends, and live music ! If you arrive well before dark (and not too tired) there is an AMAZING SKILLS COURSE setup for you to ride! The skills course will also be open on Sunday morning. 2. WHAT TIME DOES THE RIDING EVENT END? Your ride should end by 6pm (you will be docked points for being late). But the evening continues with FOOD, MUSIC, CAMPFIRE, & LIVE MUSIC BANDS! Of course there is also camping overnight, coffee and group photo on Sunday morning (as well as optional breakfast) before people depart homebound by 9AM. 3. I CAN BARELY TIE MY OWN SHOES… SHOULD I TRY THIS? Of course! Build a team of people and ride along. However, we do not recommend anyone ride solo (Regardless of experience). Whether you have 2 people or 10 in your group, it is ESSENTIAL you have basic familiarty with following a GPS track (since your adventure will be self guided until you meetup at the end!). If you don’t have much experience with GPS don’t let that stop you, give us a call and we can personally guide you through what you need to get started! But don’t wait until the last minute. If you are a NEW rider or NEW to GPS navigation, get in contact with us as soon as you can. 4. I JUST WANT TO RIDE & JOIN EVERYONE FOR THE FOOD AND MUSIC AND FRIENDSHIP. DO I HAVE TO MESS WITH THE APP? You are welcome to join us! You don’t have to collect points or download the APP to ride in adventure palooza! You can just enjoy the ride and join us for food, music, and camaraderie. However, we hope most will take advantage of the APP- if for no other reason than uploading pictures for the digital slide show. At the end of the day there is a large screen slide slow projection featuring your photos collected throughout the day. Check out some of last year’s pictures taken at checkpoints along the ride… 5. IS THIS A TEAM EVENT? Yes, we recommend anyone participating be part of a group. You may want to have a couple people in the group run the Goosechase App on their phone, and don’t forget other safety items like spare tubes, backup map, tools, etc. 6. CAN I RIDE ALONE? We won’t stop you from riding alone, but it’s not recommended. It’s can be alot to juggle the cell phone app, GPS navigation, and safety all by yourself. However, if you are experienced and adventurous enough to do this on your own then go for it! Anyone signing up solo we will try to put you in contact with someone else from your geographic area to join so you can be part of a team! 7. IS THIS 1 OR 2 DAYS OF RIDING? Most everyone will do this as a 2 day ride on Friday and Saturday and covers around 400 miles. In 2019 there is an “extreme start” option that is 550 miles and requires starting a day early and riding like hell!! However, you can make your own start (you don’t have to use our designated official starts) and you can take designated shortcuts or make your own as needed. Some people will strategically edit the ride on their own (even though it means missing many checkpoints) and cover whatever parts of the track they can do on their own 1 day ride. Remember, anyone doing that whole track will need to start on FRIDAY early AM and plan to camp along the way, leaving 200 – 300 miles for completing the ride on Saturday 8. How will I get home!? Although it may take you ALL DAY to arrive at adventure Palooza on the backroads & off-roads… Mexico is centrally located along the crossroads of several highways and riders are able to slip onto familiar local highways to zip back home in just a matter of hours. Of course you are welcome to coordinate friends or family to bring up trailers or transport vehicles if you wish as another option back. We have also had riders that “just cant get enough” take the adventure ride back too! RETURN 9. WHAT ARE ALL THE AWARDS? We don’t want to reveal all the accolades to be earned, but are a few: Overall Winner (team or solo) by highest point total and completion of the full adventure track. Best Finish or highest points for East, West, North, South Furthest Traveled rider or team Best Best Photos or Craziest Pic’s….and you never know what else we might come with! 10. HOW DOES THIS ‘POINTS & CHECKPOINTS’ THING WORK? As you navigate the track using your GPS, someone in your group will simultaneously be using the “Goosechase smartphone APP”. The APP will designate certain checkpoints throughout the day for each track(NOTE: The checkpoints numbered on the Goosechase App will lineup with checkpoints numbered identically on your GPS track and will be designated chronologically such as ‘S03G’ meaning South track, 3rd checkpoint, GPS verification). At these checkpoints you will be required to do one of three things: Take a PHOTO, send a TEXT message, or verify a designated GPS location.Each time you complete a checkpoint task using the APP, it will automatically send the information back to our Adventure Palooza headquarters (AKA your final destination) 11. WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET TO A GPS CHECKPOINT LOCATION? The APP makes use of your GPS built into the phone (be sure you keep it plugged in during your ride so it’s charged) and when you select that particular checkpoint, the APP give you an option to ‘check location.’ If you are within a short radius of the correct location, your phone will verify that to the APP, gives us confirmation, and award you the points! 12. HOW DO YOU CONFIRM THAT I ACHIEVED A CHECKPOINT?? When you arrive at a checkpoint simply select it from the Goosechase App. Through the app you will be able to verify your GPS location, or take a picture, or type a response (depending on what is requested). The completed/confirmed checkpoints will disappear from your screen (leaving only uncompleted checkpoints in the list). You will also see your running point total and team ranking throughout the day. RETURN 13. HOW DO WE KNOW HOW MUCH A WAYPOINT IS WORTH? (AND WHEN DO WE FIND OUT)? When you are able to log into Goosechase with your game password (which will and will not activate the game until 6AM the day Palooza starts) the APP will show you the list of all checkpoints, descriptions, and point values. The list of checkpoints in the app will coorespond to the same numbered waypoints on your GPS track. You do not have to collect all the points, just have fun getting what you can ! 14. A COMPETITION THAT ISN’T A RACE? Yeah! An open window of travel time between 6AM and 6PM (Which should give you plenty of time). Within that framework you can try to collect as many points as possible, add or ignore alternate tracks, or even stop and enjoy the scenery if you wish. Don’t be afraid to just enjoy the ride, take lunch, etc. How you play the game is up to you, push harder or just go enjoy the experience collecting checkpoint (The photo’s alone will be worth it! ) Don’t forget, there are bonus points for great pictures, all to be shared that evening during the festivities. Also keep in mind the accolades include top scoring AND the opposite… RETURN 15. CAN WE START THE RIDE EARLY? Yes, but you will not get credit till the APP opens at 6am, and who wants to start earlier than that anyway?! It’s important to realize you don’t have to start at any particular time or place we designate. Start anywhere along the track that is convenient for you and start whatever time works for your group! Just be sure to plan that you can cover 250 miles in the day and arrive at the end between 3 – 6pm while having a great adventure We would hate for you to be late for dinner AND lose points for being missing the deadline! 16. DO I HAVE TO START AT THE BEGINNING THE THE TRACK (I DON’T LIVE VERY CLOSE TO THE STARTING POINT AS THE CROW FLIES…) No, you can join the track anywhere you want, although you may sacrifice a few potential points and some sight-seeing due to bypassing some checkpoints. BUT THAT IS OK !!! We designed this event with flexibility in mind. Call or email us if you need help figuring out the best start point after you have received the tracks! 17. HOW MANY POINTS WILL I BE DOCKED FOR BEING LATE? Every 15 minutes is a 500 point deduction. Most checkpoints are 250 – 1000 points each. There will be about 25 checkpoints available on your trip! 18. HOW MANY POINTS WILL I EARN AT A CHECKPOINT? Each checkpoint mission (whether is be a photo-op, GPS, or text) will be worth between 250 – 1000 points each. There will be about 25 checkpoints available on your trip! 19. ARE THE ROUTES DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU START? YES ! There are THREE DISTINCT MAIN TRACKS in 2022 (updated 5-22-22) CHECK THE OTHER DROP DOWN MENU FOR SPECIFIC DISTANCES AND STARTING POINTS FOR THE TRACK YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 20. DO THE TRACKS/ROUTES HAVE EQUAL AMOUNT OF POINTS? YES! But the points are weighted differently due to terrain, alternate, technical difficulty, mileage, etc. Therefore everyone completing the tracks has an equal opportunity to gain the same maximum points, point totals for teams will vary due to the nature of competition. Some teams may miss a point, some teams will elect to skip or add an alternate, etc. 21. DO ALL THE ROUTES HAVE EQUAL MILEAGE? Similar mileages for all the routes heading in from the four directions. However, there will be variance …. Some of the variance is due to alternate track choices you will have, short cut options, or some individuals/teams may jump in at points with closer convenience and proximity to their residence. However, all this works out because of the Goosechase APP! Teams not completing the track from its origin cannot gain as many points (although they may be able to make up some points doing alternate tracks where they can). Keep in mind that all way points are not of equal value, therefore we think it will work out competitively, fairly, and fun no matter where you start! HAVE FUN !! DON’T GET TOO SERIOUS. Expect 200 – 275 miles of riding. If you start at the extreme endpoint of the track and took NO SHORT CUTS it could be longer, but that is up to you. Like any good adventure ride, I think most people will take strategic short cuts. 22. HOW DO I EARN BONUS POINTS? Simple… when asked to do something like a photo and it says “Get a photo of yourself (team) on Nowhere Bridge” if you take a photo of everyone on the bridge just standing there you get points, but if you get the same photo and you are ENJOYING YOURSELF!!! you will get BONUS, BONUS POINTS!!! Go crazy! Have a ball! 23. DOES SOME OF THE MONEY GO TO A GOOD CAUSE? YES! After we pay basic expenses (including food, maintenance, shirts, etc.) Adventure Riders LLC is able to make a donation on behalf of all the Palooza Rider participants a worthy and important cause. We have donated over $1000 in 2017 & 2018 to the Wounded Warriors Project as our charity of choice. In 2019 we are creating a $500 scholarship for a senior highschool student. The idea is for first preference to to a student looking to State Tech of MTI for engines, motorcycles, or machining, however the scholarship is open to a student planning to continue their education anywhere. Second preference is geared toward students with experience adventure riding. There will be an open application and an essay (Other considerations for the future include St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital). Our goal is to appropriate 400 – $500 annually. Thank you for your help, extra donations, and participation in this ride that makes it possible! 24. TELL ME ABOUT THE SKILLS COURSE We are proud of our skills course, a two miles that curves up and down the hill, through the creek, over logs and tires, small jumps, deep mud, tight turns, mini trail section, and BIG FUN! For many riders this is a huge highlight of the Palooza experience! Get to the farm in time Saturday to ride, or get on there Sunday morning after a hearty breakfast! 25. HOW DO I GET REGISTERED? We have an online entry system where you can put in your shirt size, pick the track you want to ride, and pay the entry fee. Use the link in the top menu or the home page.
SOUTH Palooza '23 - track preview/infoSOUTH Palooza (CHADWICK to Mexico) Route Designers: Dale McIntosh & John Wilbers From CHADWICK EXTREME START WITH LOOP THROUGH WINNONA, MO - 480 mi From Van Buren WITHOUT EXTREME START: 410 mi "FUN & MILDLY CHALLENGING track! As always, there are option to make this more challenging if you want. Starting at Chadwick, have some options through the trails! After that enjoy an easy stretch of rural gravel headed to Lebanon, then private single track at Brad's SkunkWorks before heading east through bits of national forest & dirt roads (and a few small bushwacks). We never get too crazy, but this track has some fun challenges! From there you head toward Bunker. with LOTS of woods riding, be ready to read the GPS! We have some secret private single track and great adventure trails in that area... don't plan on short cutting that awesome area. As you leave Bunker things lighten up and widen up to more gravel roads and hills moving northward toward Burbon and eventually Freeburg (Cabin and Shower!). It may be a stretch to make it from Van Buren to Freeburg, be prepared to make primitive camp! Saturday is throttle twistin' and gettin' from Freeburg, though the capitol in Jefferson City, and right up to Mexico MO. " - Boots & JW Starting Area Information: more to come Track Preview Map:
DocumentsAll the details from this information page packaged in a downloadable PDF {download} Understand specific details about using the GPS, the tracks, navigation, checkpoints and the Goosechase App. {download} Schedule of Events {download} Frequently Asked Questions Printable {download} Adventure Palooza Participant Disclaimer {download}
NORTH 23' ROUTEDesigners: Dale & John Description: Great for BIG BIKES, NEWER RIDERS, AND FOLKS NOT WANTING EXTREME MILES. This route has easy hills and gravel, with a few dirt roads and interesting sights mixed in. This is the shortest distance, easily make Frid/Sat at just 400 miles. Start at Athens, MO or Keokuk
General Information / Description about PaloozaThey say a picture is worth a thousand words…. check out the adventure album from Palooza 20'. Over 230 riders riding 2,000 miles from all directions creates a big album! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=adventureridersllc&set=a.1586533221534064 Adventure Palooza has been described as an epic back roads journey across the heart of the midwest. Adventurers follow expertly planned GPS tracks (provided by Dale & John, “Adventure Riders LLC“) for an all day self-supported ride that ends in mild exhaustion, jubilation, t-shirts, food, & live music. Motorcycles, friends, backroads, camping, adventure…. need we say more? Well, yes actually! For more details read on… There will be GPS tracks, an app for your phone (Goosechase), and a password released to paid participants prior to the event. There will be four starting points throughout Missouri (North, East, South, & West depending on where you are coming from) to converge on a beautiful bit of farm property in Mexico, Missouri (camping under the big bright stars of rural Missouri anyone?). The ride will take 7 to 9 hours each day to complete depending on rider’s determination and/or skill. The tracks will be suitable for ’big bikes’ and have several alternate detours off the main track for more adventurous riders. You or someone on the team will want to have the Goosechase mobile app downloaded and ready on a smartphone for photos and checkpoints. Additionally, you will need a GPS that import GPX tracks. Most participants will start early in the morning, navigating from their starting point and making certain checkpoints along the way. Checkpoint are verified with the free smartphone app Goosechase and take form of GPS verification, photos, or even answering questions by text. The information from each checkpoint is sent to our Palooza basecamp automatically by the Goosechase app. There will be points earned for each waypoint completed and/or task completed with bonus points given for creative or humorous photos! (The app will not reveal the list of checkpoints until 6am when Palooza begins). Upon arrival at Adventure Palooza (located on at Wilbers Fish Branch & Sunrise Farms near Mexico, MO) you will be greeted at the check-in and receive your T-shirt, stickers (if ordered), campsite directions etc. If you still have the energy there will be fun skill course you can work through. As the sun sets there will be great homemade food (pulled pork-BBQ, cole-slaw, beans & drinks) but thats not all… the live music, will go from approximately 7pm until 10pm along with a campfire and everyone enjoying stories of the day. We want you to share your camaraderie with other riders, relax for the evening, enjoy the digital slide show (consisting of all the photos submitted through the Goosechase APP throughout the day), and review “winners and losers” of this rally based on the checkpoint total points. Remember you can either COMPETE, OR COMPLETE just for fun (this is not a timed race, we want everyone to have a good time and be safe). There will be recognitions and accolades to teams and individuals that collect the most points, first place loser, best photos, etc. We will be showing photos from the day’s action on a large projection for everyone to enjoy. After registering, download the free app GOOSECHASE (available on Google play and the apple store). We will send information so you can access a test version of the checkpoints to try out. We will also send out occasional updates, photos, and hints about Adventure Palooza as the date gets closer. Approximately 1 week before the actual ride event you will receive an email with your PASSWORD to access the designated photo & waypoint challenges on Goosechase. You will also get the painstakingly designated tracks and waypoints that will take you through hilly roads, scenic points of visual/historical interest, low-water crossings, fun gravel roads, twisties, etc. (And yes, Dale (Boots) and John (JW) – owner’s of Adventure Riders LLC and -the evil masterminds behind this undertaking- have ridden every inch of the the tracks)
Collaborators2023 West Track - Mitchell Irwin South-East Track - Matt Willbank 2022 Nothwest Track - Mitchell Irwin, Conner French, Alex Pohl Southeast Track - Steven Vanden Hoek 2021 SouthWest Track- Vince Tantone South Track - Matt Willbanks SouthEast Track - David Drabeck
Past Winners!